Photo: Melanie Guilbault
Reworking the gaming experience for each section making sure to respect the content that is to be associated for the section.
Involved multiple sit downs with the client and gsm project’s experience designer to figure out if the current game designs answered the needs and how to adapt them to fully answer them if it weren’t the case.
Involved multiple sit downs with the client and gsm project’s experience designer to figure out if the current game designs answered the needs and how to adapt them to fully answer them if it weren’t the case.
Once the game scenarios and objectives were cleared, a round of design followed. I was tasked to develop a family of visuals that fit under the design umbrella of the overall exhibit.
•UI elements
•On boarding of developers and follow ups
•Final installation and testing the exhibit space.

Technologies used
•A variety of touch screens (able to handle multiple touch points and exhibiting content
for different viewpoints). Some screens were set up like tables and visitors could play on either sides.
for different viewpoints). Some screens were set up like tables and visitors could play on either sides.
•Analog joysticks
•Leap Motion
•Unity (coding)
•Computer performance
•Screen resolutions
•Visitor age group limited the placement of UI elements and gameplay (Surgery game screenshots with annotations)
•Delayed testing
•Unable to test interactives on the appropriate screens. This meant a lot of last minute adjustments during the installation.
Montreal Science Centre
Montreal Science Centre
GSM Project
GSM Project